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adobe illustrator – Straightening out jagged edges after live trace – Graphic Design Stack Exchange

April 3,
Adobe illustrator cc jagged edges free download
Graphic Design Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Graphic Design professionals, students, and enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When I place an image or a tiff in illustrator where I’ve removed the background of an image in photoshop, the edges look jagged?
Also the text looks jagged? My guess is that some items look more jagged than others because they may have been lower resolution in the first place e. Even if the whole thing was created in Illustrator, you are using pixel-based images in most of the layout and these items will always have their respective resolution.
Additionally, the jaggedness will be more noticeable where you have highly contrasting values and this shows in your image e. It also shows more when images are tilted simply because your images use pixels. Any diagonal will show more jaggedness than a straight horizontal or vertical line.
When rotating images in a vector based program like Illustrator or InDesign, you are not altering the original pixels of the images but instead you are literally rotating them.
If the image is in high resolution the rotated pixels won’t be visible on print, but they might not be rendered too nicely on screen. I know it’s convenient to use a vector based program for these kinds of collages I often use InDesign myself , but the drawback is that the rendering of rotated and overlapped images won’t be as smooth as in a pixel based program like Photoshop.
The best way to camouflage the “rotated pixels problem” would probably be to work at a higher resolution using higher resolution images and downscale on export. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. Why are images and tiff files looking jagged when tilted? Ask Question. Asked 3 years ago. Active 3 years ago. Viewed 1k times. Improve this question. Lori Beaman. Lori Beaman Lori Beaman 21 2 2 bronze badges. Could you possibly take a screenshot and share it here? It’s almost impossible to answer a question like this blind.
This is such a low-quality image that it’s impossible to decipher the jagged tiffs from the rest of the art. The bottom image seems very low resolution. All I can see is the pixels because it seems to have been zoomed in. If you zoom in on raster images you will see the pixels! Ovaryraptor it’s zoomed in to show the jagged edge. I’m also wondering why the lettering looks pixelated. Show 4 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Add a comment. Maybe your problem is related to: Rotated pixels When rotating images in a vector based program like Illustrator or InDesign, you are not altering the original pixels of the images but instead you are literally rotating them.
Try to zoom all the way in and you can see the rotated pixels: If the image is in high resolution the rotated pixels won’t be visible on print, but they might not be rendered too nicely on screen.
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Adobe illustrator cc jagged edges free download
How do you stop the jagged lines in Illustrator? How can I improve picture quality online for free? Who uses Adobe? Removes jagged edges in the artwork by supersampling it. Deselecting this option helps maintain the hard edges of line art when it is rasterized.