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Visual studio 2015 windows 10 problems free download

See the Install, upgrade and administer TFS on-premises page for in-depth information on set up, upgrade, and administration scenarios. I upgraded my laptop to Windows 10 no preview edition – the real thing! What I did was: I downloaded the default settings of VS View all page feedback.
Visual studio 2015 windows 10 problems free download
I installed VS on my windows 10 box using the default installation option and all went well. I then tried to install some additional components and the installation hung and eventually came up with a fatal error dialog for Build Tools x I then tried to repair the install and this also hung as did uninstall.
At this point I tried to do a forced uninstall from the command line but this also hung. Looking in task manager it would seem that it hangs when running ngen. If I kill this process the operation will often continue but obviously the process will not be complete. I have also checked out some log files from my appdata directory and they seem to confirm that ngen is being called at the point of the hang. Short story, this is a real pain as it seems impossible to work with Visual Studio on Windows I have, however, installed Visual Studio which works just fine.
What next? Last night I managed to get the installer to work by using task manager to stop the two instances of the installer and then resetting the computer. On restarting the installer starts up where it left off. I installed using the default minimal option and eventually this worked. I have been using VS today to do a number of project changes and all seems Ok.
For the moment I will be using this install to catch up with my workload and will try new installs and customisations when new releases become available.
From your post I guess you have a corrupt installer problem. The installer will copy content to your system cache. Those package may already corrupt. We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE to participate the survey. Ok so your problem is not the iso. The problem is that the VS iso does not contain all of the installation files.
Here is how to install VS properly from a complete install image:. When installing VS or from the iso or the expanded files from the iso, it downloads a lot of additional items from Microsoft during the install. The download of some items are often blocked by firewall rules and the download process can be prone to errors. The install can be painfully slow because the installer needs to download an additional GB worth of files from Microsoft.
This begs the question, is there any way to download an image of the complete VS installer including the download items? This will force the visual studio installer to download all of the VS installer files to the folder you specify. The network firewall should not block the download.
This works for vs and You will find that the vs installer runs much faster now and with fewer errors because it does not have to download an additional GB of files while installing. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Visual Studio Setup and Installation. Sign in to vote.
Wednesday, August 26, PM. Barry Last night I managed to get the installer to work by using task manager to stop the two instances of the installer and then resetting the computer. Thursday, August 27, PM. Best regards, Barry We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
Thursday, August 27, AM. Here is how to install VS properly from a complete install image: When installing VS or from the iso or the expanded files from the iso, it downloads a lot of additional items from Microsoft during the install.
The answer is yes. Open a command prompt as an admin and navigate to the iso virtual drive. This will copy all of the vs installer files from the iso and download all additional installation files from Microsoft to the new installer folder.
I hope this helps.